Saturday, July 21, 2007

coconut rice

i've found a new culinary love, and it's name is coconut rice. why didn't i ever think to make my white rice with coconut milk instead of water? i mean really! my host family does it with fresh coconut milk (you crack open a fresh coconut, hack or grind out the flesh and soak it in water till you get enough liquid to make however much rice you're planning to cook). or you can buy packets of powdered coconut milk, and just mix it with water. SOOO good! really yummy with chicken curry.

we've completed our second week of community based training. in addition to oodles of spanish class, we've now met with the four different groups of youth that we'll be working with for the next four weeks. one is a reading program for younger kids held at the Orange Walk library. a PC volunteer, Jenny, is in charge, and we're serving as her helpers, assessing the kids' reading abilities, and reading stories aloud to them.

the second group is in the neighboring village of Carmelita. the kids there have very few organized activities to keep them occupied, and drugs are apparently a huge problem. a woman from the OW Human Development Department is running a parenting class at the same time that we're doing life skills activities with their kids. i've never met a group of kids who were so timid. it was like pulling teeth to even get some of them to speak out loud in front of the group!

the third activity is split into two classes. Matt and Kyle are running a computer class with older youth, while Rebecca and I do art activities with the younger kids. we'd planned for a one hour session this week, only to find out that we have the kids for two. so, we had to do some improvising. luckily, Rebecca had brought along her handy packet of icebreakers, so we had some easy activities to keep them happy.

our final project is a youth leadership class with older teens. we spent our first meeting brainstorming possible projects the youth might like to work on, and settled on doing a youth march through the center of town. none of them had ever even heard of the concept of a march, so it will be an entirely new experience for them. this is the project we were most nervous about, since we had very little structure going into it, but it's the one that left us feeling the most energized after our first meeting. the youth seem pretty excited by the concept. we'll see what comes of it...


Dad said...

You all sound busy! would it be fair to assume that the four projects happen separately during the four weeks -- one per week? Of course, coconut rice might happen all four weeks -- <( (-:}.

Mom said...

It occurs to me that your final project, the march, might have felt most vital in part because the kids themselves were involved in coming up with it. What a good variety of activities!

Angel(ique) said...

I have finally caught up with your postings ~ love them! It's so wonderful to hear of all of your adventures in such vivid detail :) I am absolutely salivating at the thought of all of the dishes you have and will experience... I'm taking notes :D (however I'm not too sure that I can find barracuda at my local "Bloom" grocery store haha)