Monday, December 24, 2007

DEC Christmas bash

the staff at the District Education Center put on a Christmas party for some of the more needy kids in several area schools. we feasted on chips & cheese dip (throw some Laughing Cow cheese in a blender with evaporated milk, salsa and jalapenos, and you're there), rice & beans, baked chicken and chocolate cupcakes (my contribution - i baked 90 of them the night before in Ashley's mini oven, one tray at a time). lunch was followed up with entertainment by Ozzy the clown. The boys in the second picture are grandsons of my coworker, Mrs. Alma.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Adam just made a basket full of muffins in a contraption called 'Muffin Magic'. We'll have to send you one for next time. :)