one of the trillion ice breakers we've played since our arrival. why do so many of them involve blindfolds, anyway?
Mr. Pop runs his own little bus service from Armenia to Belmopan. we kept him busy during our time there! i believe our record was fitting 32 people on his 15 passenger van. this is Danny and Nadov on the happy bus back from La Cabana, where there was much sampling of Belize's very own beer, Belikin.
Matt & Rebecca, two of my fellow Youth Development trainees. just to confirm what a little bitty world it is - Matt and I lived not far from each other in Boulder a few years ago and never crossed paths. he's also friends with a whole crew of Syracusans that i went to elementary and high school with. and it just keeps getting smaller...
Blindfolds? Trust? Overcoming assumptions? Being present? ???
Is Nadov an Israeli name?
Matt knows people from Ed Smith and Nottingham? What a hoot! Who?
There is seriously something weird about Syracuse. It seems like everywhere we go, we run into someone from there or someone who knows someone from there. I know we haven't all left the 'Cuse, so what gives?
BTW, we're reading, we're reading. Okay, I'm reading... Alex is trying to catch up on all the Harry Potter books. And John Williams is reading...heads up.
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