this is one of my host sisters, Yolanda, lounging on my bed. she works part time as a radio announcer, has taken me out a few times to the local club to dance reggaeton, is teaching me to cook Belizean foods, and keeps avoiding coming to yoga class with me. oh, and she's trying valiantly to teach me Spanish. we'll see how that goes...
we peace corps volunteers are SO lucky. we get to wear these every time we get on a bike. as if we don't stick out enough, we're the ONLY people in Belize wearing bike helmets. even the Mormon missionaries don't have to wear them.
Kyle, yours truly, and Rebecca hitching a ride in the back of a pickup truck. on our way back to Orange Walk from Carmelita Village, where we're working with a group of 25 or so youth, doing life skills activities. kinda hard when the kids are so timid you can barely get them to speak. but we'll wear 'em down if it's the last thing we do...
1 comment:
Nice headgear.......
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