the youth development group took a trip to Lamanai yesterday. we hopped on a boat in Orange Walk and took a tour down the New River to the lagoon that lies just to one side of the site. Lamanai is a mistranslation of the orignial Mayan phrase meaning "submerged crocodile," (of which you will find many in the New River). the site was continually occupied from around 1500 BC until the 16th century, when the Spanish arrived. it is estimated to have been home to between 35,000 and 60,000 Maya. there are over 700 structures there, only 5 of which are typically visited. we trekked through jungle, past allspice trees and towering strangling figs, to find ourselves standing in front of...

the High Temple. when it was built (around 100 BC), it was the largest structure in the Maya world.

it really is that steep! they kindly provide you with a rope to cling to while you're clambering up and down.

here's a view of the New River Lagoon and lush jungle from the top.

this would be us, youth development trainees extraordinaire!

and that's Matt...
You're not wearing your dark glasses! What's up with that?
Yet more crocodiles! You DO like to hang out in places they do - I guess magnificent danger IS pretty exciting!
I never had the advantage of a rope as I flew up and down the Giza pyramids! :-)
I suppose that would be me taking the picture looking up at the rope and the people. and I would say there! Pyramids are not for acrophobes!
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