last Friday marked a major accomplishment for the Youth Development trainees in Orange Walk. the teens we've been working with at Youth For the Future pulled off an incredibly inspirational rally and march. after four weeks of planning -recruiting participants and guest speakers, getting a sound system, snacks, paint and posterboard donated, securing airtime on the radio and spending hours in a closed room spraypainting signs - Jasmine, Daisy, Donald, Sairy, Janine, Stefan, Shanidi and others created something amazing. a group of around 60 youth, Belizean military personnel and Peace Corps trainees gathered under threatening clouds in the middle of town on Friday afternoon. after listening to a speech from youth activist Nouri Mohammed, and armed with posters and banners on issues ranging from HIV/AIDS prevention to poverty, crime and eduction, we headed off on our march through town. they chanted and yelled and passed out informational pamphlets, laughing and attracting attention the whole way. at the conclusion of the march we gathered in a park in the center of town to celebrate. they seemed joyous and exhilarated - wonderful to see in a country where people under 30 make up 75% of the population but face a serious lack of opportunity and have little in the way of voice. it was exactly the sort of thing people join the Peace Corps for because we did very little to make it happen. just gave them an opportunity and a little bit of guidance and let their talents and passions take them the rest of the way. what a rush!

one of the march participants choosing her message

our resident artist, Donald. he produced the majority of the posters - and pretty much all of the good ones.

Youth For the Future
Yeah! What a great event! Congrats on a major accomplishment! Way to go BZ 45 Youth Development Volunteers! YOU ROCK!
I loved the "We are the future" sign.
Outstanding! Good for you and them!
A rush indeed!!
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