the thatch roofs here ain't no joke. some even sport dormers (see bijou, i remembered my architectural vocabulary!)

i came home from work one day to find this message from another volunteer on my doorstep. that kyle, he's so crafty. you never can tell what he'll be up to next.

my down-the-street neighbor and fellow PCV, Ashley, discovered a tree of enormous green globes in her backyard. i'm convinced they're extraterrestrial, but she assures me they're just calabash.

clothes drying Belize style. and in reverse.

a Belikin in the sand

also in Ashley's backyard. it's a wild and woolly place.

trying for houseplants (as well as a vegetable garden). wish me and my brown thumb luck.

bus. of the yellow school variety. transportation choice of the masses here in Belize. i was just trying to get to Belmopan, typically just an hour's bus ride away, but the universe had other things in mind that day. a truck somehow managed to lose it's load of steel girders on the road just ahead of a narrow bridge. which left traffic backed up for ages, and my bus driver rather bored.
nice job, though you DO tend to be a vocabulary snob, architectural or not!!!
Dormers or eyebrow windows?
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