the long Easter weekend saw me back in Belize, at Cockscomb Basin National Park in the Stann Creek district. it's a 400 square km reserve, established in 1990 as the world's first jaguar sanctuary. word on the street is that you really can encounter a jaguar in the wild, but sightings are pretty rare, and i didn't have any expectations that i'd be that lucky.

a cribbed quote from Wikipedia: "Habitation by the ancient Mayas occurred in the Cockscomb Basin as early as 10,000 BC, but the first modern recorded history exploration of the basin did not occur until 1988." it's a haven for birdwatchers, and has enough hiking trails to keep a person busy for days. we miraculously caught a ride in from the highway. it's a 6 mile hike in, and was just approaching dark when Rebecca, Matt and i got off the bus from Belmopan. our savior, Gregorio, lives in the nearby village of Maya Centre, which was founded by Maya families displaced when the reserve was created in the 1990's. he took his time and kept his lights off, just in case there were any nocturnal felines lurking around the road. alas...

we took our time ambling through the woods, stopping at waterfalls, swimming in pools, and sweating our asses off. we even managed a lazy tubing adventure down the river, which was low enough that we had to get out and use our feet once or twice. Rebecca still managed to get freaked out by the prospect of floating into the bank, and made Matt her navigator.

shoot, they've even got a plane wreck! this is where the pesky little black flies made a mess of my legs. Belizeans are smart, they don't wear shorts in these situations. when will we gringos learn?

and then there was the hike from hell. already tired from the heat and a couple days of hiking, Rebecca and i decided to make an attempt at what's billed as the second toughest hike in the park (after Victoria Peak, which requires at least 3 days, a licensed guide and involves scaling a sheer rock face using a rope). we were looking for a view of some undisturbed jungle-covered mountains. to skip to the end, we got our view. but it involved some less than stellar signage which caused us to go a good two hours out of our way, and to question whether we might not get a good look at a jaguar while spending the night in the bush. in the end, we hiked for 9 1/2 hours and went somewhere around 25 km. still, it was a pretty kickass view...
random note: our neighbors back at the camp near the visitor's center were a group of birdwatchers from the States, led by Libby, a biology professor who brings a group out each year. when she heard of our need to get back to civilization on Easter Monday, without a vehicle, she offered us $50 to pay for a ride with a local villager. she said she appreciated the good work we were doing with the Peace Corps, and that she hoped we'd inspired her granddaughter to maybe join up once she finishes college. her son also runs an organization in Israel that uses environmental conservation issues to try to bridge the gap between Arabs and Israelis. when he heard i would be in Cairo in the fall for grad school, he gave me his email address and told me to contact him when i was in the area. he said, get yourself to the border and i'll have someone come pick you up... Israel here i come!

the bus back north
I can't wait to read the rest of your blog! I'll soon be in Belize as a PCV and all I've been doing for the past month is trying to soak up as much information as I can. Thanks for sharing!
Wow. You are really in good shape now... Could you imagine doing what you did the month you got to Belize? What an adventure you have had and what an adventure you are walking into at your next stop in Cairo! Well done on this one and I look forward to your perspective when you get to the Middle East!
Are you going to call that blog something else or are you allowed to change the name of this blog match your changing perspective?
I surely have missed your blog and it is good to see you back. Uncle Jim
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